Preventative Care

Keeping your pet healthy starts with their annual wellness visits.

Annual visits:

This helps us keep up to date with your pet and any slow changes that may be occurring over time. Annual visits also allow us to rapidly process medication refill requests. In order to process medication refills your pet must have been seen by your veterinarian in the last 12 months. Help us, help you!


Keeping up with the vaccination schedule is essential to keeping your pet healthy. Discussing with your veterinarian about your pets daily routine helps us create a vaccination schedule that is best for you pet. Some pets that go to the groomer, travel, or pets that are service animals may need additional protection to keep them healthy.

Parasite control:

This is an important part of your pets health care. Intestinal parasites can be screened for routinely using fecal examinations and medications can be prescribed as needed to keep your pet free of intestinal parasites. Some of these parasites can be transmitted to people which makes the management and control of parasites that much more important!

Heartworm infections:

Heartworm may not be as prevalent in our area but cases are still found in Arizona. Routine blood screening for heartworm infection and use of monthly preventatives keeps your pet from becoming infected from this mosquito transmitted parasite. Treatment for heartworm infections can be extremely difficult on your pet and consist of a lengthy treatment process. Routine testing and prevention helps keep your pet safe.


Laboratory Tests


Dental Care