Spay and Neuter

Commonly Asked Questions:

What do I need to do before spaying or neutering my pet?

  • We ask that you set up a pre surgical appointment so that our team can ensure your pet is up to date on vaccinations, routine bloodwork can be run, and your pets medical history can be reviewed to ensure our team can provide the best care for your pet.

What age should my pet get spayed or neutered?

  • Typically the recommendation for cats and most breeds of dog is 6-12 months of age after the kitten and puppy vaccination series has been completed. Puppies and kittens can reach reproductive maturity at as young as 6 months of age so if you would like to wait until your pet is a little older to spay or neuter, please keep your pet under close supervision to avoid accidental pregnancies.

  • Recommended spay and neuter age by breed. Click HERE for the original research.

How long is the recovery process?

  • Spays and neuters are a routine surgical procedure and typically require a 10-14 day recovery period before your pet can go back to their normal daily routine. An E-collar or ‘cone’ is needed to ensure that your pet does not lick or chew at the surgical site to help prevent the incision from becoming infected or opening up. A recheck appointment is always scheduled 10-14 days after the surgery to ensure your pet has healed completely. Never hesitate to call the clinic if you have any questions or concerns about your pet after surgery.

Is the surgery safe?

  • There will always be some degree of risk associated with anesthetic procedures. We take every precaution to ensure that we can provided the safest anesthetic procedure possible for your pet. The pre surgical examination, running bloodwork, placement of IV catheters, monitoring equipment, and experienced staff help us do everything to keep your pet safe. Click HERE for the original research.

If you have any other questions or concern please contact the clinic at (928)315-6600.

